A tactile art, emotional, both figurative and abstract,  a sapient combination of painting and textiles. The personages, the shapes, the objects, revealed and hidden, are at the confines between reality and fantasy.

The artist superimposes the planes of what is depicted so that they seem to slide over one another like different dimensions of reality. The scenes move as in bas-reliefs. They change direction and, surpassing the pictorial base of the painting, become works in evolution, in which both union and separation are possible.

Paintings that are weavings: they clothe, tailor, embrace a subject or a real object and transfer it into a virtual context - a space, a plane, creating a new image, composed or contrasting. These images may be realistic and invented, magical visions of the world and of daily reality, wrought with a marked sense of irony. 
In the painting "Uomo fallato" (The Flawed Man), the figure of a man glimpsed in a grey suit is portrayed without a head: is it an aberration or a fallacy ("phallusy")?

In the painting "Protezioni in semplicità simulata" (Protections... in Assumed Simplicity), objects represent security and evoke safety: an umbrella, chairs, a table, an egg, a hat, a house, food, daily life, are brought together in a state of seeming suspension. Seeing these canvases, one can envisage the images leaving their frames, liberated from their static nature, and instead of folds, stitches, color, motifs, weavings, ornaments, they become metaphors of life.

Tullio Pacifici                                                                                                                                                                                               December 22, 2007

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